
The Fork Front is always seeking to partner with businesses in the food and beverage industry to raise awareness and promote the diverse and growing number of products and services available to consumers. There are a number of ways in which we can help expand your business through endorsement and product placement. Advertisements can appear in our weekly and monthly materials listed below:

  • Food Facts – monthly e-newsletter ad placement, or product placement with information
  • Fork Flashesmonthly blog ad placement, paid blog about product and/or company
  • Weekly Rations weekly Youtube vlog – product placement, commercial
  • Podcast – bi-weekly blog commercial
  • Merchandise Page ads, foods listed for sale, link to their site
  • Social mediaTwitter, other ads or plug, link to their site, video commercial
  • External Links Page – link to site listed, and/or ad
  • Other – customized advertising to fit your company’s needs

Please get in touch with The Fork Front to discuss your advertising needs and how we can help fulfill them. Kindly complete the contact form below, and we will be in touch:

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