Welcome to The Fork Front

We bring the past to life through food. On this webpage, you can explore food history in our blogs, vlogs, and podcasts. We also offer curated, personal food narratives and historical menus for special events. 

  • Personal Points, Lend-Lease, and SPAM

    Personal Points, Lend-Lease, and SPAM

    The advent of World War II required a whole-of-society approach dedicated to the war effort, which had not before been witnessed in human history. In order to supply the military, home fronts around the globe needed to save, scrimp and sacrifice to fulfill the demands of the war machine. This was particularly true when it…

  • The History of Ice Cream at the British Seaside

    The History of Ice Cream at the British Seaside

    Ice cream is believed to have originated in China in the 2nd Century B.C. and existed in some form in Ancient Greece and Persia. The Venetian merchant, Marco Polo is rumored to have brought the cooled confection to the European Continent from his travels, although not all historians agree this is how ice cream made…

  • SPAM


    The company, Hormel Foods, the maker of SPAM®, was started by George A. Hormel in Austin, Minnesota in 1891. Originally, the company started as a local butchery and meal procurement business, whose business quickly expanded across the state and country. By the late 1920s, the company took up the canning of meats to expand its…

Hungry Historians

A podcast series about the latest food history research

The Hungry Historians will be arriving in 2024. Keep an eye out for news and updates!

The Fork Front Shop

Bespoke menus for events

On the Menu

Are you hosting an event and need a food-related theme? How about a uniquely researched and curated menu for your event, allowing you and your guests to catch a glimmer of a bygone era through a unique culinary adventure.

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